Find out if you're experiencing the signs of addiction to processed foods.
The Self-Quiz opens the door to control over food!
When I learned that I was suffering the signs of addiction to processed foods,
I stopped blaming myself and started getting control.
- SH, Canada
The Remission Optimistic Community (ROC) is an online community that gives members insight and allows them to explore a wide range of healing modalities typically not offered by the medical industry.
"After yearning for so many years, I have finally found what I was looking for. I feel comfortable with myself and my life. I no longer have a life that I want to escape from, detach from or sabotage. Instead, I have a life that excites me and brings me joy, and I am thrilled to engage in and be present for it." ~LC. ROC Member
Once we see that we've been given a severe addiction, we know we need hours and hours of online support to retrain our brains not to crave. Under Dr. Ifland's direction, you finally get the level of expert support that you needed all along...
'The ARC easily let me build a valuable experience base. The research shows me why I do things. I didnā€™t really understand the consequences before because I was always focused on the fear of failure and breaking some random rule. - OF, Oregon
Since 1996, Dr. Ifland has created many breakthroughs in processed food addiction. Start finding the truth about overeating today.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am beyond grateful to you for sharing these valuable resources. - MM, Alabama
The information gave me the truth about the addictive food corporations that I am up against. My recovery took off from this point. The Handouts were a real eye-opener. - AL, Ohio
Be in the vanguard of services for controlling overeating and diet-related diseases.
Work with Food Addiction Recovery Advocates trained by Dr. Joan Ifland, the world's leading authority in recovery from processed food addiction.
Enjoy the security of knowing that you are working with the most experienced scientist in the field of processed food addiction.
Food Addiction RESET Week is intense immersion to give you a fast way to get control over your food
Amazingly, someone was there 24 hours per day. I've never felt so safe. TT, ND
Finally get the job you've wanted all along: Food Addiction Recovery Advocate (formally ARC Manager)
Earn the Food Addiction Recovery Advocate (FARA) Certification
Avoid the stress of triggering workplaces. Become a Food Addiction Recovery Advocate with the FARA Certification
Since becoming an FARA trainee, I have been able to get my food under control even more so. I have broadened my knowledge of processed food addiction. AR Arizona
Have you struggled with food addiction for a long time? Is it just going to get worse? Perhaps you have worked with amateurs and now you're realizing that food addiction is a serious condition that would benefit from understanding how hard it is to get control of food.
As a result of writing/editing the Processed Food Addiction textbook, I finally know the answer. I can work out steps for you to help you gain control over food.
Dr. Ifland is grounded in the science of food addiction by her doctorate in addictive nutrition, numerous academic publications, her textbook, and breakthrough innovations in treatment.
Whether the audience is lay people seeking to understand their own struggles with food and health or highly educated credentialed practitioners, Dr. Ifland opens practical and novel doors to understanding the forces behind food choices.
She should be at every conference - Low-Carb USA CME Feedback
Read the book that broke through the barrier to understanding that hidden addiction is why we overeat and cannot stop.
Very scientific, explaining why processed foods are so addicting! I strongly recommend this book!
This informative, evidence-based TEXTBOOK is not only a 'steal of a deal' but it's not an overly difficult read either. Dr. Ifland brings to light the fact that processed food addiction does indeed exist and allows the reader the ability to discover a path of recovery. This textbook brings a better understanding of the obesity epidemic plaguing today's society and outlines a simple plan of recovery!
Employers and employees alike are surprised to learn how much workplaces encourage addiction to processed foods.
Learn how to make your employees happy as they shed known and hidden diseases related to processed foods.
If you are battling the food industry to keep processed foods out of your work, school, or volunteer environments, the science is on your side.
Bring the power of science to your battle and shift the balance of power.
*Food Addiction CME: End the frustration of diet-related diseases
Training in the management of processed food addiction could stop the frustration of watching preventable diet-related diseases progress in your patients.
Shift outcomes to fulfill your purpose in restoring patients to vibrant health.
To refer a patient to the Addiction Reset Community, please email
To inquire about support to address processed foods in your workplace, please email
Thanks to her work, we now know that overeating
is a kind of addiction to processed food.
With this break-through science,
you can stop throwing away time and money
on flawed weight-loss and eating-disorders programs.
You can start using products and services that are specifically designed to put processed food addiction into remission.
50% Complete
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